Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) has launched a strategic planning process, Imagine the Possibilities, that will lay the foundation for its new 20-year vision and next Strategic Plan. RVH invites community members to share their insights and vision for the future of healthcare in our region.

RVH is talking with residents, community groups, businesses, Indigenous partners, donors, healthcare partners, as well as staff, physicians and volunteers to find out what matters most to them when it comes to their healthcare needs and experiences.

Between now and September, RVH will be offering several ways for community members to participate in the Imagine the Possibilities planning process, including weekly social media surveys and public events. People can also complete a short survey with this link

The existing strategic plan, created in 2013 and refreshed over the years, has guided RVH to many successes over the past decade, including bringing regional services like cancer and cardiac care close to home.  RVH now requires a new vision for the next 20 years that is reflective of the diverse needs, opportunities and challenges of the regional communities it serves.

“Developing a new Strategic Plan is one of the best ways RVH can prepare for the future and ensure patients and families continue to receive the high-quality care they have come to expect from RVH,” said Gail Hunt, RVH President and CEO. “As always, the heart of our work lies in the people we serve, which makes participation in the strategic planning process critical. We encourage members of the community to participate in the process and tell us what the future of RVH looks like to them.”

“There are many disruptions occurring in healthcare today,” says Jason Reynar, RVH Vice President, Strategy.  “This new plan will ensure we are positioned to take full advantage of those changes that will benefit our patients and their families, including 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence and a customized care experience, to name only a few items.”

Input received will be reviewed, analyzed and sorted into key themes and then incorporated into a new Strategic Plan. RVH expects to share the new plan in January 2024. Questions about the strategic planning and public engagement process, as well as comments and suggestions, can be sent to the strategic planning project team at: