RVH supports a culture of equity and inclusion where people feel safe, and valued, and can be their true authentic and genuine self. RVH is committed to increasing awareness of Equity and Inclusion (E&I) and creating a space where everyone feels safe and that they belong.

  • Diversity – encompasses the variety of human differences (visible and invisible)
  • Equity – fair (not equal) and impartial access to all opportunities and resources
  • Inclusion – the act of including, involving and empowering others
  • Belonging – a culture where people feel like they are an important member of a group simply because of who they are

Contained within the RVH Strategic Plan refresh is the Strategic Direction of Value People, and within this strategic direction is the goal of “Support a culture of equity and inclusion that is violence-free and where people feel safe and valued.”

Equity & Inclusion Council

The RVH Equity & Inclusion (E&I) Council is composed of Team RVH staff and community members who strives to ensure RVH is a safe, welcoming place where everyone feels they belong. Membership is open to all Team RVH. If you would like more information about the E&I Council, please email equityinclusion@rvh.on.ca.