Imagine the Possibilities

Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) has begun the process of developing a new, five-year strategic plan. The plan will set out a vision and priorities to guide the health centre into the future and help us continue delivering patient-centred care with compassion and excellence.

Your voice matters!

We invite you to imagine the possibilities for the future of RVH. 

We’re seeking input from community members, hospital partners, Team RVH, and other stakeholders to help inform the new strategic plan. The plan will define a new vision for RVH, and it is important that this new vision is reflective of the diverse needs, realities, opportunities, and challenges of the community.  

Over the coming months, there will be many opportunities to share feedback on the proposed mission, vision, and values, challenge assumptions, offer new ideas for consideration, and ask lots of questions.

Finalizing the Plan 

Once we’ve heard from everyone, the feedback will be reviewed, sorted, and analyzed to help form the final plan which we will share here in January 2024.

Questions and Feedback

Questions about the strategic planning process and any feedback can be sent to: