RVH is focused on delivering high-quality, safe care that puts patients and their families first. Patients are at the centre of everything we do at RVH and our MY CARE philosophy puts patients and their families first. Always. Everyday. Without exception. 

Effective April 23, 2024

Masks are optional at RVH. When masks are required, signage will indicate and/ or your care team will advise.

Main, Simcoe and Atrium entrances open to public. Self-screening required.

Before you enter the health centre, we ask that you follow these steps:

  1. In the last 10 days, have you had household or close contact with a person with COVID-19 symptoms, a confirmed case of COVID-19 OR a person with new onset of respiratory symptoms, including the patient that you are visiting?
    Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days?
    Has a doctor, healthcare provider or public health official told you to isolate at home?
  2. In the past 10 days have you experienced a new onset or worsening of any of these symptoms:
    – Fever/Chills
    – Cough or Barking Cough (Croup)
    – Extreme fatigue that is unusual
    – Sore throat
    – Vomiting or Diarrhea
    – Decrease or loss of taste or smell
    – Shortness of breath
    – Muscle aches / joint paint
    – Running, stuffy or congested nose
    – Unusual or long-lasting headache
  3. If you answered YES to any of the above questions:
    PATIENTS: Inform your care team of your situation immediately. If possible, please call your care team for specific instructions.
    VISITORS, CONTRACTORS OR VENDORS: Please reschedule your visit for another time and do not proceed any further or beyond this point.
  4. If you answered NO to the above questions:
    Please wash your hands and proceed to your destination.

Note: Patients attending an after-hour appointment at RVH should use the Atrium entrance.

Surgery patients: one support person per patient is permitted to accompany patients receiving a Surgical or Scope Procedure in the Operating Room and Endoscopy departments and for appointments in the Pre Surgery Treatment Clinic.  

Operating Room and Endoscopy patients will utilize the Atrium entrance for drop off and pick up. The Simcoe Entrance will be utilized by patients whom have appointments in the Pre Surgery Treatment Clinic.

Visitor & Essential Care Partner (ECP) Presence

ECPs are welcome 24-hours-a-day to support and participate in the care of their loved one

  • For more information and to apply to be an ECP, visit RVH Essential Care Partner Program
  • Between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., ECPs are required to access to the health centre through the Level 2 – Atrium Entrance
  • All ECPs are required to sign in and out of the unit

Visitors are welcome at the bedside between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.*

  • *Child and Youth Mental Health hours are seven days a week, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • *Adult Mental Health: Monday – Friday: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and weekends 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Exceptions may apply to other specialty care areas, please speak with the patient’s care team first
  • All visitors are required to sign in and out of the unit

Our inpatient areas are a place of healing, as such, please consider the number of visitors at one time. For example, 2 at a time promotes a quieter environment, however the number of people welcomed at the bedside will be at the discretion of the care team.

  • Patients visiting RVH’s Emergency Department are allowed only one visitor and only in designated room spaces and not in waiting rooms unless deemed necessary by the clinical team
  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment still required while inside the health centre
  • Children (e.g., less than 18 years) supervised by an adult, who is not the patient, are welcome. Children and responsible adult must remain together at all times and be mindful of the organization’s goal to ensure a healing environment and conduct themselves in alignment with this.
  • Visiting infants, cared for by an ECP, are permitted to remain with their parent when the parent is admitted as an inpatient in alignment with the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative



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RVH is a proud member of the Barrie and Area Ontario Health Team

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Dear RVH Patient;

Thank you for your support of RVH as we work together to prevent the rapid transmission of COVID-19 while maintaining access to vital health services.

The Omicron variant continues to spread through our communities resulting in an increase in hospitalizations. We want to assure you that RVH is doing everything possible to keep you – and your care team – safe.

  • TEAM RVH is well-trained and follows very strict Infection Prevention and Control procedures, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • All our staff, physicians and students are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they’ve received a documented and confirmed exemption, in which case they are tested regularly.
  • We rigorously monitor and follow provincial guidelines when it comes to healthcare worker exposure to the virus.

RVH also continues to operate its COVID-19 Immunization Clinic at 29 Sperling Drive in Barrie. The evidence is clear. Unvaccinated people are 60 times more likely to require critical care if they contract COVID-19. If you are not yet fully vaccinated, we urge you to book an appointment as soon as possible through the provincial online portal at covid-19.ontario.ca or by calling 1-833-943-3900.

Although the healthcare system is facing unprecedented challenges, you can be confident that RVH will continue to provide you with safe, high quality care and your skilled care team will take extraordinary measures to ensure your safety.


Gail Hunt
President and CEO, RVH

Dr. Jeffrey Tyberg
Chief of Staff & Vice President, Academic and Medical Affairs, RVH

  • Visiting hours are 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Child and Youth Mental Health hours are 4 – 8 p.m.
  • Adult Mental Health hours are Mon – Fri 4 – 8 p.m. and weekends 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.


When coming to RVH there are four public entrances:

  • Main
  • Simcoe
  • Atrium – Patients attending an after-hour appointment at RVH should use Atrium entrance.
  • Emergency – urgent care only

Visitor Information

Dial 705-728-9090 then enter the inpatient unit extension:

  • 3SB Overflow: ext. 46244
  • Adult Mental Health Inpatient: ext. 47250
  • Cancer & Palliative Inpatient: ext. 43311
  • Cardiac Care Unit (CCU): ext. 47660
  • Cardiac & Renal: ext.46111
  • Child & Youth Mental Health Inpatient: ext. 47222
  • Integrated Stroke & Rehabilitation Inpatient Unit: ext. 47350
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU): ext. 47620
  • Regional Pandemic Response Unit: ext.44922
  • Respiratory Inpatient: ext. 48220
  • Specialized Seniors Care: ext. 47330
  • Surgery 2 Inpatient: ext. 46888
  • Surgery 3 Inpatient: ext. 46440
  • Transitional Care Inpatient Unit: ext. 48266

Virtual Appointments

Your care team may contact you to book an upcoming appointment or follow-up as a virtual visit using secure, private, and confidential program called Microsoft Teams.

They will give you instructions on how to prepare and will let you know the day and time of your virtual visit as well as confirm they have your preferred contact information.

If you have been scheduled for a virtual appointment using Microsoft Teams, please view the resources below:

  • Joining a virtual appointment – PDF or video
  • Downloading Microsoft Teams – PDF

If you have a question about your virtual appointment, please contact the department your appointment is scheduled with.

 *Subject to change without notice, some exceptions apply.

Helping you during your visit

Information desks are located at the Main, Atrium and Simcoe entrances. RVH volunteers are available at Information Desks to assist patients and visitors by providing directions or helping to locate patients.

Information Desk Volunteer Hours:

Hours are subject to change based on volunteer availability

Information Desk Locations

  • Main entrance – Level 2
  • Atrium entrance – Level 2
  • Cancer program – Level 2
  • Simcoe entrance – Level 1

RVH offers assistive equipment to accommodate our patients and visitors with reduced mobility. Please ask a volunteer at any information desk for assistance. They can help by providing you with:

Staxi chairs are available at the Main, Atrium and Simcoe (level 1) entrances.

The chair features a fail-safe braking system – the chair will only move when the brake is engaged by the person pushing the chair from behind. The patient can easily enter from the side and the height of the back of the chair is designed to afford the person pushing a comfortable position to engage the chair, reducing stress on their back.


Traditional wheelchairs are available at Information desks at the Main, Atrium and Simcoe (level 1) entrances for patients who require leg extensions, oxygen tank holders, IV pumps or the ability to navigate in the chairs by themselves.

Click here for more information

Your Safety

If you need assistance, please use the call bell beside your bed.  A staff member will answer your call as soon as possible.

RVH has a state-of-the-art fire system that provides the exact location for any smoke or fire situation within the facility. We have designated first responders who attend all fire situations to lead the emergency incident and ensure the safety of all. When you hear the fire alarm, it will always be followed by an announcement of a “Code Red” and the fire’s location. In the event of a Code Red, the doors of patient rooms will be closed to create a fire separation and the lights will be turned on. Further instruction will be provided if an area or the building needs to be evacuated.

When you are admitted to RVH, your care team will assess your risk of falling and determine what steps can be taken to prevent a fall while you are a patient. Falls can be caused by a variety of factors including walking or balance problems, some diseases (arthritis, osteoporosis), mental changes such as confusion or dementia, dizziness, change in position, medications and general weakness.

Here are some helpful tips to prevent falls:

  • Always have your call bell within reach in case you need it
  • Ask for a light to be left on at night
  • Ask for assistance when getting out of bed – most falls occur when patients try to leave their bed on their own
  •  Wipe up spills right away or ask for help if you are unable
  • Ask for the brakes to be activated for any furniture that has wheels
  • Don’t lean on the bedside tables as they are on wheels and will slide
  • Arrange furniture so walking pathways are clear
  • Make sure shoes fit properly and are non-slip
  • Use a walker or cane (and have it checked for safety if you have concerns)
  • Keep your room free of clutter
  • Slow down and take your time when moving about your room
  • Change positions slowly and take your time getting up
  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist about side effects from medications
  • Keep your eyeglasses within reach and wear them when possible
  • Wear your hearing aids
  • Get up and move everyday

Cleaning your hands is the simplest and most effective way to reduce the risk of getting an infection or passing germs to others. At RVH, we audit the hand hygiene compliance of our staff and physicians and post the information at entrances of the health centre, in common areas and on units/departments.

It is important that all members of your care team wash their hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. We encourage you to ask members of your care team, ‘have you washed your hands?’

RVH has Infection Prevention & Control practitioners that work closely with your care providers to ensure your care is as safe as possible. 

When you register as a patient, you will be asked if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, vomiting or diarrhea. You will also be asked if you have ever had or come in contact with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL). This helps RVH make sure we place patients in the appropriate rooms and that we take precautions to decrease the risk of spreading infections throughout the health centre. 

In the event that you are experiencing symptoms, you may be placed on “precautions” (usually indicated by a sign posted on the patient room door indicating the precautions that should be taken when visiting this patient). This means that your care team, family and friends must wear personal protective equipment (i.e. gloves, gown, mask, visor) when in your room. Precautions help protect you and others from passing on infections.

Infection Protection and Control practitioners are available to speak with you and your family if you have questions about infection control or being on precautions. They can also provide you with resources and more information. We invite you to also watch the brief information video on your bedside entertainment system free of charge. 

Security operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure a healthy, safe environment for all patients, staff and visitors. Patient and visitors are encouraged to report any suspicious persons/vehicles, acts of theft, damage or unwanted behaviours to Security by dialing ‘0’.

All RVH staff, physicians, volunteers, and students wear an identification badge that provides you with their first name, position and photo identification. Please feel free to question any person providing care that is not displaying their photo identification badge on their left chest/shoulder.

RVH has zero tolerance for workplace violence, bullying or harassment and is committed to a workplace where the dignity and self-esteem of all persons – patients, visitors, staff, physicians and volunteers – is respected.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

At RVH, patients are at the centre of everything we do. Your rights and responsibilities are foundational to the caring partnership you share with your RVH healthcare team.

• Receive safe, high quality patient care
• Be treated in a considerate, respectful manner regardless of race, culture, religion, sex, age, mental or
physical ability, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, diagnosis, or legal status
• Receive complete and clear information about diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
• Express concern about the care or treatment received
• Maintain independence and make decisions about your care, unless you are unable, in which case
information will be given to a guardian, attorney or substitute decision-maker
• As a capable patient, refuse treatment and be informed of the potential health risks of your decision
• Know the names and roles of your health care team
• Be informed of opportunities to participate in research
• Have your privacy protected and your personal information and health records kept confidential
• Have access to your health record
• Be informed of any financial obligations that will be incurred as a result of your care
• Ask members of your care team if they have washed their hands

• Behave in a respectful way toward your healthcare team
• Treat others in a considerate, respectful manner regardless of race, culture, religion, sex, age, mental
or physical ability, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, diagnosis, or legal status
• Contribute actively to your healthcare and healthcare decisions to the extent you are able
• Participate in your treatment and rehabilitation at the level you choose
• Make informed choices about your participation in research and communicate your preferences to the
healthcare team
• Respect that your healthcare team must prioritize their activities in order of urgency
• Contribute to the quality of your care by providing an accurate health history, information about current
prescriptions, treatments, and follow provider recommendations
• Bring your medication (in the original containers) and/or an accurate list of medications with you to
RVH (including over-the-counter medicines, herbal remedies, supplements, vitamins, and diet pills)
• Respect other patients and their privacy and confidentiality
• Keep appointments or notify RVH when you are unable to keep your appointment
• Ensuring all expenses not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) or private insurance
are paid for
• Comply and ask others to comply with RVH infection control and safety policies

Click here to view the Patient Declaration of Values for Ontario

A Patient’s Handbook

Finding your way around RVH

Coming to RVH as a patient

Visiting RVH

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Latest COVID-19 Information